Why do you swear and why are you different from spiritual retreats?

Straight up: we’re not a spiritual retreat. We are a Wellness Excursion. What’s the difference? We’re frickin’ fun!


What kinds of activities will take place?

We incorporate mind, body and soul activities including meditative Yoga Nidra, Hiking, Laughter Yoga, Intuitive Life Guidance, Nutritional Integration, Mental Growth Workshops, Games, Freeflow Options and more.

To learn about activities, view our Attend page.

How do I know if this is right for me?

Our mission is to offer approachable emotional growth at a more relaxed level. Curious Bitches may be for you if you’ve found yourself wanting a healthy girls trip, or have ever been anxious to attend an emotional wellness event. Our getaways may even benefit you even if you’ve never desired either of these! If you’re still curious about what to expect, please email us at hello@curiousbitches.com so that we can address any specific concerns.

I identify as male. Can I still attend Curious Bitches?

Curious Bitches does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, age, height, weight, physical or mental ability, veteran status, military obligations, or marital status. We believe that everyone deserves to seek a healthy and happy lifestyle. As we launch, our vacations are female focused and female led, however we do have options for those who do not identify as female, including:

If you need additional support, please email us at hello@curiousbitches.com.

What should I bring?

Pack weather-appropriate lounge clothes and active wear to hike/exercise/explore in. Don’t forget your personal toiletries and a bathing suit (just in case). Personal snacks are welcome but please be sensitive to severe allergies (e.g. peanuts, shellfish). Games are welcome, it’s a vacation after all! You are also allowed to bring wine or beer for yourself, as we can’t legally provide you with alcohol. Hard alcohol is not allowed - relaxed parties only, please.

How do I get there?

Most of our getaways are in the mountains of Colorado, and all are accessible by car. We encourage carpooling and can connect you with other attendees if you want to explore this option. We also host getaways outside of Colorado, usually once a year.

Are meals included?

Yes! We always incorporate group cooking activities. When we’re not cooking together, there will be plenty of healthy (mostly plant based) food, and snacks, for you to enjoy at-will.

The trip is all inclusive so your only additional purchases will be out of desire, not necessity.

What if I need to cancel?

Officially, all sales are final. We work with small groups so one refund can bring the entire trip to a screeching halt.

Unofficially, if we’re able to replace your slot for the trip, we will happily provide a refund or assist you in rescheduling.

Is this like a therapy session?

We think therapy is great! We incorporate wellness experts into our activities, however no licensed therapists are onsite. If you have a medical or psychiatric emergency while with us, please call 911 or ask someone to call for you.

The trip is over. What do I do?

We follow up after the getaway with a complimentary LIFETIME membership to our Tribe of Bitches and next steps (should you choose to take any). If you’ve been to a spiritual retreat, that “what now?” crisis can be burdensome. If you’ve been on vacation, the exhaustion (and food/alcohol hangover) can take days to recover from. Our mission at Curious Bitches is to leave you feeling rejuvenated and curious, neither worn out nor pressured to reinvent your life.

If we’ve done our job, please thank us below and tell your friends!

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